EndoDNA is at the forefront of personalized healthcare, revolutionizing the way healthcare providers deliver patient care through genomic insights. Our mission is to provide healthcare professionals with the tools they need to make data-driven, personalized treatment plans that improve patient outcomes. We believe in the power of genomics to enhance wellness, prevent disease, and transform medicine for the better.
With a focus on innovation, integrity, and collaboration, we partner with healthcare providers, labs, and research institutions to bring precision medicine to the forefront of patient care.
Endocanna Health, Inc.
4116 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Suite 100
Burbank, CA 91505 USA
©2024 Endocanna Health, Inc. All rights reserved. The Endocanna Health Logo, EndoDNA, Cannabis is Personal and myDNA.live are trademarks of Endocanna Health, Inc.